Analyze NBI data for NE Bridges from years 1992 to 2016

Connect to MongoDB

In [33]:
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
file = open("dbconnect", 'r')
dbConnectionString = str(
client = MongoClient(dbConnectionString)
db = client.admin
collection = db["NebraskaNBI"]
print("Nebraska Bridge Records in DB: ", collection.count())
Nebraska Bridge Records in DB:  380617

Search using a Bridge ID or a partial ID

In [4]:
# List Unique Structure Numbers
result = collection.distinct("structureNumber")
print("Number of unique items: ", len(result))
Number of unique items:  17268
In [34]:
#Get structureID
structureID = input()
In [35]:
import pandas as pd
import re
pattern = re.compile(r'\s*' + re.escape(structureID) + r'.*', re.I)
# result = db.nbidata.find_one()
# pprint.pprint(result)
result = collection.find({"structureNumber": {"$regex": pattern}})
df2 = pd.DataFrame(list(result))
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
print("# of Nebraska Bridge with " + structureID + " in Structure ID: " + str(len(df2.index)))
# of Nebraska Bridge with C003211015 in Structure ID: 45

List all inspection records

In [36]:
InventoryRTeMinVertClearance InventoryRteTotalHorzClearance STRAHNETHighwayDesignation _id approachRoadwayAlignment approachRoadwayWidth averageDailyTraffic avgDailyTruckTraffic baseHighwayPoint borderBridge borderBridgeStructureNumber bridgeImprovementCost bridgeMedian bridgePosting bridgeRoadwayWithCurbToCurb bypassDetourLength channelChannelProtection countyCode criticalFeatureInspection criticalFeatureInspectionDates culverts curbSidewalk Width dateLastUpdate deck deckGeometry deckStructureType deckWidthOutToOut deductCode designLoad designatedInspectionFrequency designatedNationalNetwork directionOfTraffic facilityCarriedByStructure featuresIntersected federalAgencyIndicator federalLandsHighways functionalClassOfInventoryRte futureAvgDailyTraffic highwayAgencyDistrict highwaySystemOfInventoryRoute historicalSignificance inspectionDate inventoryRating inventoryRoute inventoryRouteSubrouteNumber kilometerpoint lanesOnUnderStructure latitude lengthOfMaximumSpan lengthOfStructureImprovement loc location longitude maintenanceReponsibility methodUsedToDetermineInventoryRating methodUsedToDetermineOperatingRating minLateralUnderclearOnLeft minLateralUnderclearOnRight minVertClearOverBridgeRoadway minimumNavigationVerticalClearanceVerricalLiftBridge minimumVeriticalUnderclearance navigationControl navigationHorizontalClearance navigationVeriticalClearance nbisBridgeLength numberOfApproachSpans numberOfSpansInMainUnit operatingRating owner parallelStructureDesignation pier/abutmentProtection placeCode roadwayImprovementCost scourCriticalBridges skew stateCode status with 10 year rule structuralEvaluation structureFlared structureLength structureNumber structureTypeApproachSpans structureTypeMain strucutreOpenPostedClosed substructure sufficiencyRating sufficiencyRatingAsteriskField superstructure temporaryStructureDesignation toll totalProjectCost trafficSafetyFeatures typeLastUpdate typeOfService typeOfWork underclearVerticalHorizontal waterwayAdequacy wearingSurface/ProtectiveSystem year yearBuilt yearOfAverageDailyTraffic yearOfFutureAvgDailyTraffic yearOfImprovementCost yearReconstructed
0 99.99 5.8 0 59638a4c28205f6e303d41de 6 6.7 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N', 'underwaterIns... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 6 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 -1 4 1091 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 6 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1992 1935 1990 2010 -1 0
1 99.99 5.8 0 59638a5628205f6e303d812a 6 6.7 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 5 5.9 10 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N', 'underwaterIns... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 6 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1091 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 6 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1993 1935 1992 2012 -1 0
2 99.99 5.8 0 59638a6028205f6e303dc098 7 7.3 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '1193', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 7 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1193 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 6 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1994 1935 1993 2013 -1 0
3 99.99 5.8 0 59638a6a28205f6e303e004f 7 7.3 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '1193', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/26/1995 7 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1193 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 6 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1995 1935 1994 2014 -1 0
4 99.99 5.8 0 59638a7428205f6e303e4016 7 7.3 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/25/1996 7 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1095 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1996 1935 1995 2015 -1 0
5 99.99 5.8 0 59638a7e28205f6e303e7fe5 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 5/15/1997 7 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1095 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 000000000 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1997 1935 1995 2015 -1 0
6 99.99 5.8 0 59638a8828205f6e303ebfa9 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 6/5/1998 6 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1197 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 000000000 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1998 1935 1997 2017 -1 0
7 99.99 5.8 0 59638a9328205f6e303eff3c 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 7/20/1999 6 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1197 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40383000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-100.35333333333332, 40.64166... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100211200 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 77 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1999 1935 1997 2017 -1 0
8 99.99 5.8 0 59638a9d28205f6e303f3ed3 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/24/2000 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1099 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40383000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-100.35333333333332, 40.64166... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100211200 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 6 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 76 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2000 1935 1997 2017 -1 0
9 99.99 5.8 0 59638aa728205f6e303f7e54 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/25/2001 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1099 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40383000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-100.35333333333332, 40.64166... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100211200 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 3 0 31 0 6 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 76 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2001 1935 1997 2017 -1 0
10 99.99 5.8 0 59638ab128205f6e303fbdd1 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 3/25/2002 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1101 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40383000 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-100.35333333333332, 40.64166... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100211200 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2002 1935 1997 2017 -1 0
11 99.99 5.8 0 59638abb28205f6e303ffd42 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 65 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 7/14/2003 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 1101 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 7 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2003 1935 1997 2017 2000 0
12 99.99 5.8 0 59638ac528205f6e30403cb3 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/7/2004 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 1203 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 6 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2004 1935 2003 2023 2000 0
13 99.99 5.8 0 59638acf28205f6e30407c24 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 0 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/7/2004 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 1203 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 0 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 0 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 6 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': 'NA', 'typeOfWorkProposed': 'NA'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2005 1935 2003 2023 2000 0
14 99.99 5.8 0 59638ad928205f6e3040bbaa 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/3/2006 4 4 8 6.2 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 905 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 1 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 63 NA 5 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2006 1935 2003 2024 2005 0
15 99.99 5.8 0 59638ae328205f6e3040fb32 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/3/2006 4 4 8 6.2 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 905 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 1 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 63 NA 5 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2007 1935 2003 2024 2005 0
16 99.99 5.8 0 59638aed28205f6e30413adf 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/3/2008 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 1107 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 5 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2008 1935 2003 2024 2005 0
17 99.99 5.8 0 59638af728205f6e30417a7f 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 4 5.9 10 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 7/9/2009 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1107 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 30.6 2 N 1 0 8 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 5 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2009 1935 2003 2028 2005 0
18 99.99 5.8 0 59638b0128205f6e3041b9e9 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 5.9 10 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 5/4/2010 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1109 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 34.2 2 N 1 0 8 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 5 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2010 1935 2003 2029 2005 0
19 99.99 5.8 0 59638b0a28205f6e3041f60e 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 5.9 10 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/5/2011 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1109 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 34.2 2 N 1 0 8 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 65 NA 5 NA 3 121 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2011 1935 2003 2029 2011 0
20 99.99 5.8 0 59638b1328205f6e30422f20 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 5.9 10 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 3/27/2012 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1111 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 34.2 2 N 1 0 8 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... A 5 65 NA 5 NA 3 121 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2012 1935 2003 2030 2011 0
21 99.99 5.8 0 59638b1b28205f6e30425cb6 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 5.9 10 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 5 4 8 6.2 NA 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1111 20.7 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40381800 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35166666666666, 40.63833... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100210600 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 34.2 2 N 1 0 8 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... A 5 65 NA 5 NA 3 121 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2013 1935 2003 2030 -1 0
22 99.99 5.9 0 59638b2228205f6e304289b0 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... 0 81 0 5 5.9 10 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N', 'underwaterIns... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 5 4 8 6.2 NA 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 07 0 5 1113 20.9 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40383000 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35333333333332, 40.64166... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100211200 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 34.5 2 N 1 0 8 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... A 5 65.3 NA 5 NA 3 121 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2014 1935 2003 2033 2012 0
23 99.99 5.9 0 59638b2a28205f6e3042b5c7 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 5 5.9 97 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N', 'underwaterIns... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 5/21/2015 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 07 0 5 1113 20.9 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': '0000000000'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40383000 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35333333333332, 40.64166... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100211200 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 34.5 2 N 1 0 0 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... A 5 64.5 NA 5 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2015 1935 2003 2033 2012 0
24 99.99 5.9 0 59638b3128205f6e3042e14f 7 7.3 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 0 0 5 5.9 97 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N', 'underwaterIns... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 3/25/2016 5 4 8 6.2 Z 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 07 0 5 1115 20.9 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': '0000000000'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40383000 11.9 12.5 {'coordinates': [-100.35333333333332, 40.64166... 3S 2.5E OF MOOREFIELD 100211200 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 34.5 2 N 1 0 0 3 0 31 0 5 0 12.5 C003211015 {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... A 5 64.5 NA 5 NA 3 0 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 8 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2016 1935 2003 2033 2012 0
25 99.99 4.9 0 59638a4c28205f6e303d41df 6 6.7 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 64 0 1 5.0 18 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N', 'underwaterIns... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 -1 4 1091 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 10.7 14.6 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 11E OF CURTIS 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 6 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 7 54.5 NA 7 NA 3 71 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '31'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1992 1935 1990 2010 -1 0
26 99.99 4.9 0 59638a5628205f6e303d812b 6 6.7 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 64 0 3 5.0 18 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N', 'underwaterIns... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1091 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 10.7 14.6 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 11E OF CURTIS 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 6 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 7 54.5 NA 7 NA 3 71 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '31'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1993 1935 1992 2012 -1 0
27 99.99 4.9 0 59638a6028205f6e303dc099 7 6.1 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 64 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '1193', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... NA 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1193 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 10.7 14.6 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 11E OF CURTIS 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 6 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 7 54.5 NA 7 NA 3 71 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... NA {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '31'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1994 1935 1993 2013 -1 0
28 99.99 4.9 0 59638a6a28205f6e303e0050 7 6.1 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 64 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '1193', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/26/1995 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1193 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 10.7 14.6 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 11E OF CURTIS 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 6 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 7 54.5 NA 7 NA 3 71 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '31'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1995 1935 1994 2014 -1 0
29 99.99 4.9 0 59638a7428205f6e303e4017 6 6.1 10 0 -1 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 64 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/25/1996 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1095 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} NA {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 10.7 14.6 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 11E OF CURTIS 000000000 2 -1 -1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 6 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 7 54.5 NA 7 NA 3 71 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '31'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1996 1935 1995 2015 -1 0
30 99.99 4.9 0 59638a7e28205f6e303e7fe6 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 64 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 5/15/1997 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1095 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 10.7 14.6 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 11E OF CURTIS 000000000 2 1 1 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 NA {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 6 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 7 54.5 NA 7 NA 3 71 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '31'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1997 1935 1995 2015 -1 0
31 99.99 4.9 0 59638a8828205f6e303ebfaa 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 6/5/1998 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N -1 09 13 07 0 5 1197 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 00000000 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-0.0, 0.0], 'type': 'Point'} 11E OF CURTIS 000000000 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 54.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1998 1935 1997 2017 1997 0
32 99.99 4.9 0 59638a9328205f6e303eff3d 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 7/20/1999 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1197 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40375400 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.29333333333334, 40.63166... 11E OF CURTIS 100173600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 6 54.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 1999 1935 1997 2017 1997 0
33 99.99 4.9 0 59638a9d28205f6e303f3ed4 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/24/2000 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1099 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40375400 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.29333333333334, 40.63166... 11E OF CURTIS 100173600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '99.9', 'refe... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 6 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 47.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2000 1935 1997 2017 1997 0
34 99.99 4.9 0 59638aa728205f6e303f7e55 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': '0000', 'fracture... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/25/2001 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1099 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40375400 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.29333333333334, 40.63166... 11E OF CURTIS 100173600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 47.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2001 1935 1997 2017 1997 0
35 99.99 4.9 0 59638ab128205f6e303fbdd2 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': 'NA', 'neighboringSta... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 3/25/2002 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 07 0 5 1101 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40375400 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.29333333333334, 40.63166... 11E OF CURTIS 100173600 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 47.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2002 1935 1997 2017 1997 0
36 99.99 4.9 0 59638abb28205f6e303ffd43 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 65 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 7/14/2003 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 1101 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 47.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2003 1935 1997 2017 1997 0
37 99.99 4.9 0 59638ac528205f6e30403cb4 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/7/2004 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 1203 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 47.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2004 1935 2003 2023 1997 0
38 99.99 4.9 0 59638acf28205f6e30407c25 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/7/2004 5 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 1203 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 2 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 47.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2005 1935 2003 2023 1997 0
39 99.99 4.9 0 59638ad928205f6e3040bbab 6 6.1 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 1 5.0 18 5 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... N {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/3/2006 4 3 8 5.0 A 0 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 905 15.3 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 10.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 2 2 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 1 22.5 2 N -1 0 8 3 0 31 1 4 0 11.3 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '3', 'typeOfDesignCon... P 5 45.5 NA 6 NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': '0', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': '8', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2006 1935 2003 2024 -1 0
40 99.99 8.5 0 59638ae328205f6e3040fb33 8 8.5 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 0.0 18 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... 9 {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 5/3/2007 N N N 0.0 Z 5 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 306 32.4 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 3.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 5 5 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 2 32.4 2 N -1 0 8 8 0 31 0 8 0 7.6 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '1', 'typeOfDesignCon... A N 100 * N NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': 'N', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': 'N', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2007 2006 2003 2026 -1 0
41 99.99 8.5 0 59638aed28205f6e30413ae0 8 8.5 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 0.0 18 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... 9 {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 5/3/2007 N N N 0.0 Z 5 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 13 7 0 5 306 32.4 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 3.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 5 5 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 2 32.4 2 N -1 0 8 8 0 31 0 8 0 7.6 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '1', 'typeOfDesignCon... A N 100 * N NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': 'N', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': 'N', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2008 2006 2003 2026 -1 0
42 99.99 8.5 0 59638af728205f6e30417a80 8 8.5 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 0.0 18 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... 9 {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 7/9/2009 N N N 0.0 Z 5 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1108 21.6 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 3.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 5 5 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 2 32.4 2 N 1 0 8 8 0 31 0 6 0 7.6 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '1', 'typeOfDesignCon... A N 88.4 * N NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': 'N', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': 'N', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2009 2006 2003 2028 -1 0
43 99.99 8.5 0 59638b0128205f6e3041b9ea 8 8.5 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 0.0 18 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... 9 {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 7/9/2009 N N N 0.0 Z 5 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1108 21.6 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 3.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 5 5 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 2 32.4 2 N 1 0 8 8 0 31 0 6 0 7.6 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '1', 'typeOfDesignCon... A N 88.4 * N NA 3 89 {'approachGuardrailEnds': 'N', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': 'N', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2010 2006 2003 2028 -1 0
44 99.99 8.5 0 59638b0a28205f6e3041f60f 8 8.5 10 0 0 {'percentReponsibility': '0', 'neighboringStat... -1 81 0 5 0.0 18 7 63 {'otherSpecialInspection': 'N00', 'underwaterI... {'underwaterInspectionDate': 'NA', 'fractureCi... 9 {'leftCurbSidewalkWidth': '0', 'rightCurbSidew... 4/5/2011 N N N 0.0 Z 5 24 0 2 COUNTY HIGHWAY {'criticalFacilityIndicator': 'NA', 'featuresI... N 0 09 17 7 0 5 1110 21.6 {'routeSigningPrefix': '4', 'recordType': '1',... {'LRSInventoryRoute': 'NA'} 0 {'lanesUnderStructure': '0', 'lanesOnStructure... 40373000 3.7 11.3 {'coordinates': [-100.28833333333333, 40.625],... 11E OF CURTIS 100171800 2 5 5 0 {'minimumLateralUnderclearance': '0', 'referen... 99.99 0 {'minimumVeriticalUnderclearance': '0', 'refer... 0 0 0 Y 0 2 32.4 2 N 1 0 8 8 0 31 0 6 0 7.6 C003211015P {'kindOMaterialDesign': '0', 'typeOfDesignCont... {'kindOfMaterialDesign': '1', 'typeOfDesignCon... A N 88.4 * N NA 3 121 {'approachGuardrailEnds': 'N', 'transitions': ... B {'typeOfServiceOnBridge': '1', 'typeOfServiceU... {'WorkDoneBy': '1', 'typeOfWorkProposed': '34'} N 6 {'typeOfWearingSurface': 'N', 'typeOfMembrane'... 2011 2006 2003 2028 2011 0

Deck Condition over Years

In [37]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['deck'].max().reset_index()
temp.loc[temp['deck'] == 'N', 'deck'] = 10
temp.loc[temp['deck'] == '', 'deck'] = 0
temp['deck'] = temp['deck'].astype(int)
temp.plot(y = 'deck', x = 'year', marker = '.', title = "Deck Rating vs. Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff5102d14a8>

Substructure Condition over Years

In [38]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['substructure'].max().reset_index()
temp.loc[temp['substructure'] == 'N', 'substructure'] = 10
temp.loc[temp['substructure'] == '', 'substructure'] = 0
temp['substructure'] = temp['substructure'].astype(int)
temp.plot(y = 'substructure', x = 'year', marker = '.', title = "Substructure Rating vs. Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff5102eff98>

Superstructure Condition over Years

In [39]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['superstructure'].max().reset_index()
temp.loc[temp['superstructure'] == 'N', 'superstructure'] = 10
temp.loc[temp['superstructure'] == '', 'superstructure'] = 0
temp['superstructure'] = temp['superstructure'].astype(int)
temp.plot(y = 'superstructure', x = 'year', marker = '.', title = "Superstructure Rating vs. Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff510296240>

Year Built value change over Years

In [40]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['yearBuilt'].max().reset_index()
temp['yearBuilt'] = temp['yearBuilt'].astype(int)
temp.plot(y='yearBuilt', x='year', marker='.', title = "Change in Year Built Value over Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff510252710>

Length of Structure Improvement over years

In [43]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['lengthOfStructureImprovement'].max().reset_index()
temp['lengthOfStructureImprovement'] = temp['lengthOfStructureImprovement'].astype(float)
temp.plot(y = 'lengthOfStructureImprovement', x = 'year', marker = '.', title = "Length Of Structure Improvement over Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff510296390>

Change in Sufficiency Rating Over Years

In [12]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['sufficiencyRating'].max().reset_index()
temp['sufficiencyRating'] = temp['sufficiencyRating'].astype(float)
temp.plot(y = 'sufficiencyRating', x = 'year', marker = '.', title = "Sufficiency Rating vs. Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff519b1eeb8>

Change in Operating Rating over years

In [46]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['operatingRating'].max().reset_index()
temp['operatingRating'] = temp['operatingRating'].astype(float)
temp.plot(y = 'operatingRating', x = 'year', marker = '.', title = "Operating Rating vs. Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff519511048>

Change in Structural Evaluation Values over years

In [47]:
temp = df2.groupby(['year'])['structuralEvaluation'].max().reset_index()
temp['structuralEvaluation'] = temp['structuralEvaluation'].astype(float)
temp.plot(y = 'structuralEvaluation', x = 'year', marker = '.', title = "Structural Evaluation vs. Years")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7ff51027f550>

Search all bridges in a county

In [13]:
# List Unique County Codes in the Dataset
result = collection.distinct("countyCode")
print("Number of unique items: ", len(result))
Number of unique items:  95
[1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 181, 183, 185, 0, -1, 5, 75, 117]
In [14]:
#Get County Code, Samples: 045, 053, 091
countyCode = 53
In [15]:
import pandas as pd
import re
result = collection.find({"countyCode": countyCode, "year":2016})
df2 = pd.DataFrame(list(result))
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
print("# of Nebraska Bridge with countyCode " + str(countyCode) + ": " + str(len(df2.index)))
# of Nebraska Bridge with countyCode 53: 295

Finding NE Bridges with no Geo Coordinates ever recorded in the NBI dataset

In [16]:
# List Unique Structure Numbers with Longitude Zero
result = collection.distinct("structureNumber", {"longitude":"000000000"})
print("Number of unique items with lat lon zero: ", len(result))
Number of unique items with lat lon zero:  12553
In [17]:
# List Unique Structure Numbers with Longitude not Zero
result1 = collection.distinct("structureNumber", {"longitude":{"$ne":"000000000"}})
print("Number of unique items with lat lon not zero: ", len(result1))
Number of unique items with lat lon not zero:  16755
In [18]:
# Find the difference of the two sets
import pandas as pd
finalDiff = pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(list(set(result).difference(set(result1)))))

Main Structure Type of Bridges in the 2016 year Report

In [19]:
for i in collection.distinct("structureTypeMain.kindOfMaterialDesign",{"year":2016}):
    print(i, ": ", collection.find({"structureTypeMain.kindOfMaterialDesign":i, "year":2016}).count())
7 :  959
1 :  678
4 :  662
3 :  6171
5 :  1270
2 :  1201
6 :  89
0 :  8
9 :  2

Type of Design Construction for Bridges in the 2016 year Report

In [20]:
for i in collection.distinct("structureTypeMain.typeOfDesignConstruction",{"year":2016}):
    print(i, ": ", collection.find({"structureTypeMain.typeOfDesignConstruction":i, "year":2016}).count())
02 :  7754
04 :  611
03 :  388
22 :  38
19 :  123
01 :  1334
10 :  737
00 :  5
05 :  26
09 :  3
12 :  3
21 :  1
07 :  14
06 :  3

Ownership type in Nebraska

In [21]:
# Ownership type in Nebraska
for i in collection.distinct("owner",{"year":2016}):
    print(i, ": ", collection.find({"owner":i, "year":2016}).count())
69 :  21
62 :  14
72 :  2
2 :  8507
27 :  15
25 :  59
21 :  25
26 :  14
4 :  334
70 :  1
1 :  2048

Maintenance Responsibility types in Nebraska

In [22]:
for i in collection.distinct("maintenanceReponsibility",{"year":2016}):
    print(i, ": ", collection.find({"maintenanceReponsibility":i, "year":2016}).count())
21 :  28
69 :  3
25 :  62
2 :  8519
62 :  14
72 :  2
27 :  15
26 :  14
4 :  334
70 :  1
1 :  2048


  • Majority of bridges are owned and maintained by 02: County Highway Agency.
  • Compared to County on one-third of bridges are owned and maintained by 01: State Highway Agency.
  • The third highest, 04: City or Municipal Highway Agency is much lower than the second place

Number of Bridges greater than Structure Length 50

In [28]:
j = 0
for i in collection.distinct("structureLength",{"year":2016}):
    if float(i) > 50.0:
        j = j +1
print ("# of bridges with structure length greater than 50: " + str(j))
# of bridges with structure length greater than 50: 414

Accessing Bridge Files

In [24]:
#Initialize GridFS
import gridfs
def get_gridDb(db):
    fs = gridfs.GridFS(db)
    return fs

fs = get_gridDb(db)
<gridfs.GridFS object at 0x7ff519541f60>

Get all Image Files in GridFS for the Structure Number

In [25]:
# Query the file by structure ID
import re
import pprint
from IPython.display import Image, display

out = fs.find({"structureNumber": structureID})
j = 0
for i in out:
    if re.findall('([-\w]+\.(?:jpg|JPG|gif|png))', i.fileName):
        print (i.fileName)
In [ ]: