vulnerabilities allow an attacker to reduce a system's Confidentiality,
Availability, and Integrity by exposing information, executing malicious
code, and undermine system functionalities that contribute to the overall
system purpose and need. With new vulnerabilities discovered everyday in a
variety of applications and user environments, a systematic study of their
characteristics is a subject of immediate need for the following reasons:
The high rate in which
information about past and new vulnerabilities are accumulated makes it
difficult to absorb and comprehend.
Rather than learning from past
mistakes, similar types of vulnerabilities are observed repeatedly.
As the scale and complexity of
current software grows, better mental models will be required for
developers to sense the possibility for the occurrence of
the software development community has put a significant effort to capture
the artifacts related to a discovered vulnerability in organized
repositories, much of this information is not amenable to meaningful analysis
and requires a deep and manual inspection. In the software assurance
community a body of knowledge that provides an enumeration of common weaknesses
has been developed, but it is not readily usable for the study of
vulnerabilities in specific projects and user environments.
This research combines the information sources from these two communities in
a way that facilitates the study of vulnerabilities recorded in large
software repositories. We introduce the notion of a semantic template to
integrate the scattered information relevant to understand and discover
vulnerabilities. We evaluate the use of semantic templates by applying it to
analyze vulnerabilities, both reported and hidden, as recorded in the
software repositories from the Apache Web Server project. We refer to
software repositories in a general sense that includes source code, version
control data, bug reports, developer mailing lists and project development
websites. We derive semantic templates from community standards such as the
Common Weaknesses Enumeration (CWE) and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE). We rely on standards in order to facilitate the adoption, sharing and
interoperability of semantic templates.
Alloy Models of CWEs
Using Grammatech Code Surfer to explore
test case structuresNEW
Semantic Template, CWE 1.6
and collection phase:
Selection of content:
the CWE is continuously evolving, the template is based on version 1.6. The
CWE uses “views” to integrate multiple categorization
of weaknesses that share several CWE categories. We use the two most
prominent views of the CWE: The Development view (CWE-699) of CWE categories,
which is suited for suited for practitioners in the SDLC, and the Research
view (CWE-1000), which is suited for research purposes as it has a deep and
abstract hierarchical structure.
Extraction of relevant weaknesses:
next step is to identify the CWE category that identifies the weakness of
interest at the most abstract level. For the “Injection”
weakness, CWE – 74 “Failure to Sanitize Data into a Different
Plane ('Injection')” is such a category. We call it the root category.
Starting with the root category we adopt four strategies to gather weakness
related to it in the CWE research and development views.
a. Navigate hierarchical
relationships of the root category (“Parent” and “Child
b. Navigate non-taxonomical
relationships such as “Can Precede”, “Can Follow”, “Peer-of” in the CWE hyperlinked document [1].
c. Keyword search on the CWE
document [1] for weaknesses that have the injection weakness
described in their primary or extended description. Keyword search is
followed by exploration of parent, sibling and child categories of the
discovered CWE category, for relevance to the root category.
d. Visualization of the root
category and its related weaknesses identified by automatically parsing the
CWE specification available in an eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) [1].
Injection related CWEs
visualization of injection related CWEs
applying each strategy, use of heuristics and some degree of judgment is required
on part of the subject matter expert to include a CWE category into the pool
of relevant weaknesses.
Publications/Activities Presentation at
the SwA Working Group Sessions - Summer 2011. June 28-30, 2011 at MITRE-1,
7525 Colshire Drive, McLean, VA 22102-7539.
Wednesday June 29 - Track B (1H300)
Session 1B: Helping Programmers Understand and Study Software Security
Weaknesses: Semantic Templates – Robin Gandhi
To cope with growing software complexity, programmers need better mental
models to sense the possibility of a vulnerability. There is no shortage of
weakness enumerations and categorization, but they are not in a form that
facilitates human understanding and recall. For example, the CWE contains
over 50 highly interrelated weakness definitions just to comprehend the
possibility of buffer overflows. In this session, the development of
Semantic Templates will be introduced for the study of software
vulnerabilities. Work on Semantic Templates has been ongoing at the
University of Nebraska Omaha since 2010. Using Semantic Templates
experiments indicate a definite improvement in the programmer's ability to
understand the CWEs related to the underlying software fault, weakness
characteristics, resources, and locations affected and the consequences of a
given CVE. Input from attendees will be used to guide the adoption of
semantic templates in education and research while soliciting avenues for
further growth.
Presentation at
the 24th FISSEA’s 24th Annual Conference: "Bridging to the Future – Emerging
Trends in Cybersecurity" March 15 - 17, 2011, National Institute of
Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Maryland. Dr. Gandhi participated
with Joe Jarzombek, Director for Software Assurance, National Cyber Security
Division, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity and
Siy, H., Wu, Y., Gandhi, R.A., Empirical Results on
the Study of Software Vulnerabilities (NIER Track). In proceedings of the
33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2011), Waikiki,
Honolulu, Hawaii, May 21-28, 2011
Gandhi, R.A., Siy, H., Wu, Y.,
Studying Security Vulnerabilities, CrossTalk, The Journal of Defense
Software Engineering, Sept/Oct issue 2010.
Presentation at NebraskaCERT Cyber Security Forum,
Standards in reporting software flaws: SCAP, CVE and CWE - Part 2, July 2010
Yan, W., Gandhi, R.A, and Siy, H., “Using Semantic Templates to Study
Vulnerabilities Recorded in Large Software Repositories” Proc. of The 6th
International Workshop on Software Engineering for Secure Systems (SESS'10)
at the 32nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010),
South Africa, Cape Town. 2010