open util/ordering [Actor] as a0 open util/ordering [Actor] as a // CWE-664 abstract sig Resource {} // CWE-284 sig RestrictedResource extends Resource { protectedBy: AccessControl } // CWE-284 abstract sig AccessControl extends ProtectionMechanism { protects: RestrictedResource, allow: set Actor } fact { protectedBy = ~protects } // CWE-693 abstract sig ProtectionMechanism {} // CWE-287 and CWE-284 one sig Authentication extends AccessControl { authentic: Actor -> Credential } // CWE-287? sig Credential {} // Frequency is # of OperationAttemptTimeStamps per TimeFrame // Example: 5 attemps per second sig TimeFrame { contains: set OperationAttemptTimeStamp } sig OperationAttemptTimeStamp{ //A TimeStamp cannot be part of more than one TimeFrame (laws of nature) partof: lone TimeFrame } fact { partof = ~contains } //Actor is the one having interaction with the software sig Actor{ performsOperation: TimeFrame -> OperationAttemptTimeStamp -> RestrictedResource } pred init [a:Actor] { no a.performsOperation } fact traces{ init [a0/first] all a: Actor - a0/last| let a'= | some tf:TimeFrame, t:OperationAttemptTimeStamp, r: RestrictedResource | operate [a, a', tf, t, r] } pred operate [a,a': Actor, tf:TimeFrame, t:OperationAttemptTimeStamp, r: RestrictedResource] { //The timestamp is within the TimeFrame (laws of nature) t in tf.contains a'.performsOperation = a.performsOperation + tf->t ->r } run operate assert noExcessiveInteraction { no a: Actor, tf:TimeFrame, p:ProtectionMechanism, c:Credential| #a.performsOperation[tf] > 1 && a->c not in p.authentic //This number can be parameterized } check noExcessiveInteraction fact { // all a: Actor, tf:TimeFrame, p:ProtectionMechanism, c:Credential| // #a.performsOperation[tf] < 2 //This number can be parameterized }